sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Alfred Hitchcock

Olá pessoal, desculpe o atraso nas postagens, mas tive um motivo forte para isso. Fui convocado pela faculdade que me formei ano passado para dar algumas aulas de reforço para os discentes que entram esse ano, então, o planejamento e o acompanhamento do projeto tem sido bem corridos, não deixando muito tempo para todo o resto.
Contudo, fiquei muito feliz ao abrir o blog hoje e ver um comentário perguntando se eu tinha algo acerca de Hitchcock, e, como grande fã de suspense/terror, tenho muita coisa sobre ele. Então quero muito agradecer a Leidiane que deu essa dica, e pontificar minha felicidade pelo primeiro comentário em meu blog, bom, vamos falar um pouco sobre o mestre do suspense Alfred Hitchcock.
Alfred Hitchcock nasceu em Leytonstone, em Essex (atual Londres). Filho de Emma e William Hitchcock,o seu pai vendia frutas e verduras, e ele tinha mais dois irmãos. Recebeu uma rígida educação católica na escola londrina St. Ignatius College, cuja estrutura escolar era baseada nos ensinamentos do jesuíta Inácio de Loyola. Blá, blá, blá tudo do Wiki que todo mundo pode ter acesso.
O que gostaria de levantar aqui é a geniosidade desse mestre, o quão grande foi sua influència, e a colossal injustiça praticada contra ele por nunca ter ganho um oscar (injustiça essa evidenciada até mesmo pela academia cinematografica).
É praticamente impossível apontarmos uma unica obra de Hitchcock como sua melhor, sem citarmos gostos pessoais (Para mim Intriga Internacional é simplesmente uma das maiores obras do cinema de toda a história), "Os Passaros", "Psicose", "Janela Indiscreta", "Frenesi", Intriga em Família", "Um corpo que cai", "Topázio", são todas obras indiziveis, não há comentário que faça jus a essas preciosidades, e o que dizer de "Festim Diabolico" todo o filme foi filmado numa unica cena (Ao menos era para ser assim, contudo, na época, não existiam fitas para filmes tão longas, tendo isso em mente, o mestre fez um jogo de cameras onde James Stewart fica de costas, parado, e o camera troca o rolo, tornando praticamente invizível essa troca) e traz todo o suspense para a mente do espectador.
Não poderiamos deixar de citar, nessa breve introdução, as apariçoes de Alfred em seus filmes. É incrível, mas ele aparece em quase todos eles, principalmente no início, uma tática cinematografica chamada Cameo, onde, na maioria das vezes, os diretores introduzem outros personagens famosos nas obras, no caso de Hitchcock, ele mesmo aparece, deixando evidente sua paixao por sua arte.
Há alguns meses foi lançada uma coleção, aqui no Brasil, dos filmes de Hitchcock numa Box muito bonita, abaixo vou postar lugares onde você poderá encontrar para comprar (à qual, infelizmente, não tive a oportunidade, financeira, para comprar) e se sentir mais proximo do que a gênese do cinema de suspense pode lhe oferecer.
É isso pessoal, valeu pela atenção e até o proximo post.

P.S. - Uma pequena enquete aqui, vocês preferem que o prox post seja sobre Stephen King ou H.P. Lovecraft?

A Saraiva está vendendo por um preço que, apesar de salgado, vale muito a pena.

Olá pessoal, desculpe o atraso nas postagens, mas tive um motivo forte para isso. Fui convocado pela faculdade que me formei ano passado para dar algumas aulas de reforço para os discentes que entram esse ano, então, o planejamento e o acompanhamento do projeto tem sido bem corridos, não deixando muito tempo para todo o resto.
Contudo, fiquei muito feliz ao abrir o blog hoje e ver um comentário perguntando se eu tinha algo acerca de Hitchcock, e, como grande fã de suspense/terror, tenho muita coisa sobre ele. Então quero muito agradecer a Leidiane que deu essa dica, e pontificar minha felicidade pelo primeiro comentário em meu blog, bom, vamos falar um pouco sobre o mestre do suspense Alfred Hitchcock.
Alfred Hitchcock nasceu em Leytonstone, em Essex (atual Londres). Filho de Emma e William Hitchcock,o seu pai vendia frutas e verduras, e ele tinha mais dois irmãos. Recebeu uma rígida educação católica na escola londrina St. Ignatius College, cuja estrutura escolar era baseada nos ensinamentos do jesuíta Inácio de Loyola. Blá, blá, blá tudo do Wiki que todo mundo pode ter acesso.
O que gostaria de levantar aqui é a geniosidade desse mestre, o quão grande foi sua influència, e a colossal injustiça praticada contra ele por nunca ter ganho um oscar (injustiça essa evidenciada até mesmo pela academia cinematografica).
É praticamente impossível apontarmos uma unica obra de Hitchcock como sua melhor, sem citarmos gostos pessoais (Para mim Intriga Internacional é simplesmente uma das maiores obras do cinema de toda a história), "Os Passaros", "Psicose", "Janela Indiscreta", "Frenesi", Intriga em Família", "Um corpo que cai", "Topázio", são todas obras indiziveis, não há comentário que faça jus a essas preciosidades, e o que dizer de "Festim Diabolico" todo o filme foi filmado numa unica cena (Ao menos era para ser assim, contudo, na época, não existiam fitas para filmes tão longas, tendo isso em mente, o mestre fez um jogo de cameras onde James Stewart fica de costas, parado, e o camera troca o rolo, tornando praticamente invizível essa troca) e traz todo o suspense para a mente do espectador.
Não poderiamos deixar de citar, nessa breve introdução, as apariçoes de Alfred em seus filmes. É incrível, mas ele aparece em quase todos eles, principalmente no início, uma tática cinematografica chamada Cameo, onde, na maioria das vezes, os diretores introduzem outros personagens famosos nas obras, no caso de Hitchcock, ele mesmo aparece, deixando evidente sua paixao por sua arte.
Há alguns meses foi lançada uma coleção, aqui no Brasil, dos filmes de Hitchcock numa Box muito bonita, abaixo vou postar lugares onde você poderá encontrar para comprar (à qual, infelizmente, não tive a oportunidade, financeira, para comprar) e se sentir mais proximo do que a gênese do cinema de suspense pode lhe oferecer.
É isso pessoal, valeu pela atenção e até o proximo post.

P.S. - Uma pequena enquete aqui, vocês preferem que o prox post seja sobre Stephen King ou H.P. Lovecraft?

A Saraiva está vendendo por um preço que, apesar de salgado, vale muito a pena.

sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

Arquivo X

Olá pessoal, em primeiro lugar quero pedir desculpas por não ter publicado nada ontem, pois, devido a fatores climaticos, ficamos sem luz em casa, contudo hoje pretendo postar dois posts para compensar o de ontem, então, vamos lá.
Hoje quero apresentar um seriado que fez um sucesso imensurável na década de 90, Arquivo X (X-Files no original). A série conta a história de dois agente do FBI, Fox Mulder e Dana Scully, que investigam o sobrenatural, mais especialmente a ufologia. Mulder teve sua irmã abduzida quando criança e toda a serie acontece com essa acontecimento em foco, o agente trabalha numa divisão do FBI chamada "arquivo x", divisão essa designada para os casos sem solução. Entre as investigações das mais diferentes situações o agente Fox Mulder começa a juntar pistas acerca do paradeiro de sua irmã, e de uma conspiração do governo num projeto acerca dos UFOs, nesse meio, a agente Dana Scully é designada pelo FBI para desmascarar as investigações de Mulder, contudo, o que ela não esperava, é que grande parte desses casos eram realmente sobrenaturais, com isso, ela acaba se juntando a Mulder nessa caçada interminavel pelo oculto.
Não posso contar mais nada, em resumo, a serie é incrivel, muita ação, varios fatos sobrenaturais e tudo o que nós, fãs do mistério e do terror, mais apreciamos.

P.S. Arquivo X e Sobrenatural tem MUITO em comum, inclusive Sobrenatural fez um episódio em homenagem a série há algumas semanas.

Onde assistir: Fox
Onde Comprar: http://www.submarino.com.br/produto/6/21423245/dvd+arquivo+x+-+as+9+temporadas
Olá pessoal, em primeiro lugar quero pedir desculpas por não ter publicado nada ontem, pois, devido a fatores climaticos, ficamos sem luz em casa, contudo hoje pretendo postar dois posts para compensar o de ontem, então, vamos lá.
Hoje quero apresentar um seriado que fez um sucesso imensurável na década de 90, Arquivo X (X-Files no original). A série conta a história de dois agente do FBI, Fox Mulder e Dana Scully, que investigam o sobrenatural, mais especialmente a ufologia. Mulder teve sua irmã abduzida quando criança e toda a serie acontece com essa acontecimento em foco, o agente trabalha numa divisão do FBI chamada "arquivo x", divisão essa designada para os casos sem solução. Entre as investigações das mais diferentes situações o agente Fox Mulder começa a juntar pistas acerca do paradeiro de sua irmã, e de uma conspiração do governo num projeto acerca dos UFOs, nesse meio, a agente Dana Scully é designada pelo FBI para desmascarar as investigações de Mulder, contudo, o que ela não esperava, é que grande parte desses casos eram realmente sobrenaturais, com isso, ela acaba se juntando a Mulder nessa caçada interminavel pelo oculto.
Não posso contar mais nada, em resumo, a serie é incrivel, muita ação, varios fatos sobrenaturais e tudo o que nós, fãs do mistério e do terror, mais apreciamos.

P.S. Arquivo X e Sobrenatural tem MUITO em comum, inclusive Sobrenatural fez um episódio em homenagem a série há algumas semanas.

Onde assistir: Fox
Onde Comprar: http://www.submarino.com.br/produto/6/21423245/dvd+arquivo+x+-+as+9+temporadas

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


Fala Pessoal, enquanto não termino meu artigo sobre os temores da infãncia em "Algo Sinistro vem por ai" e "A coisa" trago uma dica imprescindível aos fãs do cinema de terror, o clássico de David Lynch, Eraserhead.
Sinceramente, acredito que esse seja um dos maiores clássicos do gênero, qualquer cinéfilo que ame o terror, o suspense, uma trama demoniaca envolvendo um bebê deve assistir esse filme ao menos uma vez durante sua vida, principalmente aos fãs de Polanski e seu clássico “Rosemary’s Baby”. Lynch conseguiu, com seu primeiro filme, impressionar platéias ao redor do globo, e melhor, fazer com que críticos, analístas, escritores e diretores, ficassem extasiados com tamanha obra prima. Apenas para provar essa afirmativa, Stanley Kubric (Laranja Mecanica, 2001 Uma odisseia no espaço), foi pessoalmente perguntar a Lynch como havia sido feito o bebê monstruoso, Lynch não revelou. 
Opíniões a parte, Eraserhead é carregado de uma atmosfera densa, oportuna para o tipo de suspense de Hitchcock, e surpreendente como as idéias de Richard Matheson, a história traz Henry Spencer, um funcionário em férias, que recebe a noticia de que sua esposa está gravida, obrigando-o a casar com ela, contudo, a prole do casal é um ser escroto, que não para de chorar e acaba fazendo sua mãe fugir da cria maldita, com isso, Henry precisa encarar sozinho essa "maldição", que o torna cada vez mais insano com o passar dos dias até o indescritível final, final esse que deixarei para os curiosos que tiverem coragem de assistir esse magistral clássico do horror, só deixo um aviso, pense 8³ vezes antes de assistir caso você queira ter um filho logo.

                                                           In heaven everything is fine, David Lynch`s                                                                       Eraserhead

Segue abaixo alguns links de onde comprar essa obra.

Caso alguem venha a comprar, recomendo o Submarino, comprei deles e veio tudo perfeito.
Fala Pessoal, enquanto não termino meu artigo sobre os temores da infãncia em "Algo Sinistro vem por ai" e "A coisa" trago uma dica imprescindível aos fãs do cinema de terror, o clássico de David Lynch, Eraserhead.
Sinceramente, acredito que esse seja um dos maiores clássicos do gênero, qualquer cinéfilo que ame o terror, o suspense, uma trama demoniaca envolvendo um bebê deve assistir esse filme ao menos uma vez durante sua vida, principalmente aos fãs de Polanski e seu clássico “Rosemary’s Baby”. Lynch conseguiu, com seu primeiro filme, impressionar platéias ao redor do globo, e melhor, fazer com que críticos, analístas, escritores e diretores, ficassem extasiados com tamanha obra prima. Apenas para provar essa afirmativa, Stanley Kubric (Laranja Mecanica, 2001 Uma odisseia no espaço), foi pessoalmente perguntar a Lynch como havia sido feito o bebê monstruoso, Lynch não revelou. 
Opíniões a parte, Eraserhead é carregado de uma atmosfera densa, oportuna para o tipo de suspense de Hitchcock, e surpreendente como as idéias de Richard Matheson, a história traz Henry Spencer, um funcionário em férias, que recebe a noticia de que sua esposa está gravida, obrigando-o a casar com ela, contudo, a prole do casal é um ser escroto, que não para de chorar e acaba fazendo sua mãe fugir da cria maldita, com isso, Henry precisa encarar sozinho essa "maldição", que o torna cada vez mais insano com o passar dos dias até o indescritível final, final esse que deixarei para os curiosos que tiverem coragem de assistir esse magistral clássico do horror, só deixo um aviso, pense 8³ vezes antes de assistir caso você queira ter um filho logo.

                                                           In heaven everything is fine, David Lynch`s                                                                       Eraserhead

Segue abaixo alguns links de onde comprar essa obra.

Caso alguem venha a comprar, recomendo o Submarino, comprei deles e veio tudo perfeito.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Ray Bradbury

Olá pessoal, acabei de ler "Algo Sinistro Vem Por Ai" de Bradbury e achei incrivelmente assustador, a idéia de mecher com nosso medo infantil é incrivelmente bem estruturado, a narrativa é cativante e a tradução que li tem pouquissimos erros, tornando a leitura algo muito prazeroso, tão prazeroso que resolvi montar um pequeno artigo da relação entre esse livro e "A Coisa" de Stephen King, Postarei o artigo assim que terminá-lo, por enquanto deixo a Biografia completa e o resumo da obra para vocês.

P.S. Leitura recomendada.

Ray Douglas Bradbury, escritor, ensaista, poeta e roteirista, nasceu em Waukegan cidadezinha de Illinois em 22 de agosto de 1920, foi o terceiro filho de Leonard e Esther Bradbury, por causa do trabalho de seu pai (Técnico em instalação de linhas telefônicas), viajou por muitas cidades dos EUA, até que em 1934 sua família fixou residência em Los Angeles, Califórnia.

1938 - Bradbury se gradua na Los Angeles High School (Segundo grau). Sua educação formal termina neste ano, mas ele continua a estudar por conta própria.
1938 - 1942 - Trabalha como jornaleiro nas ruas de Los Angeles.
1938 - 1939 - Publica em um fanzine de Ficção Científica o conto "Hollerbochen's Dilemma".
1941 - Sua primeira publicação paga foi o conto "Pendulum", que apareceu na revista Super Science Stories. Este Pulp (conto de preço acessível) foi escrito em parceria com Henry Hasse.
1942 - Ele escreve "The Lake", foi com essa obra que ele descobriu o seu estilo de escrever, mesclando ficção científica com tons de terror e suspense.
1943 - Ele começa a trabalhar em um jornal e contribui com vários contos neste.
1945 - Seu conto "The Big Black and White Game", é selecionado como melhor conto de de ficção da America, naquele ano.
1947 - Bradbury casa-se com Marguerite McClure, neste mesmo ano publica "Dark Carnival", que agrega uma série de contos de terror.
1950 - Publica Crônicas Marcianas "The Martian Chronicles", com esta obra que engloba 26 contos , ele ganha sua reputação de escritor de ficção científica. Este livro também é públicado na Inglaterra com o título "Silver Locusts" O gafanhoto de Prata. (Adiante comentaremos esta obra).
1951- Publica The Illustrated Man , lançado no Brasil como: "Uma sombra passou por aqui" , que se tornou filme também (Adiante comentaremos esta obra)
1953 - Publica Fahrenheit 451 , obra que se transformou posteriormente em filme em 1966 pelas mãos do cineastra francês François Truffaut.(Adiante comentaremos este livro).
1954 - Trabalha com roteiros de filmes para o cinema e poesias, em 1954 ganha o prêmio The Benjamin Franklin, por seus contos.
1956 - Ganha um Oscar com o roteiro de Mobi Dick que estréiou com Gregory Peck e que foi dirigido por John Huston.
1967 - Ganha um prêmio da Academia de Escritores de Aviação Espacial, com um artigo que foi publicado na Revista Americana de Aeronaútica sobre o espaço. Também neste mesmo ano recebe o reconhecimento de outros escritores e é considerado um mestre entre os escritores de F.C. da América. Também cria uma animação sobre uma estória de um aviador, Icarus Montgolfier Wright, esta animação concorre a um oscar, e seu filme The Hallowen Tree, ganha um Emmy. Como podemos constatar Bradbury é bem eclético.
Durante a década de 80 é contratado como consultor e criador para o cenário do Epcot Center na Disney World e também contribui para a concepção da aventura que engloba um cenário espacial na Euro Disney na França.
1988 - Publica "The Toynbee Convector" , esta foi sua última obra marcante. Atualmente Ray Bradbury ainda escreve para o cinema, e televisão.

Fonte: http://www.din.uem.br/~ia/a_correl/classicos/Pesquisadores-Bradbury.htm

Algo Sinistro Vem Por Aí (Something Wicked This Way Comes)

Parque de diversões, lugar de alegria, infantil, aparentemente inocente, divertido como o nome indica? Não em se tratando de uma história de Ray Bradbury, em suas mãos o parque de diversões ganha um potencial de fantasia e  terror incrível.

Agora imagine um praque de diversões intinerante que chega de trem a uma cidade do interior, escolhe pessoas cheias de vaidade, insatisfeitas com suas vidas ou com se mesmas, pois quem está totalmente satisfeito com se mesmo? E o parque se utiliza disso e faz as pessoas passarem por transformações estranhas e bizarras, fazendo crianças avançarem no tempo e velhos voltarem a seus dias de juventude, além de um labirinto de espelhos que te confronta com seus piores medos, mas o pior é que eles nem imaginam o terrível preço a pagar por tudo isso. E contra o misterioso parque, estão Jim e Will, os protagonistas da história, movidos pela curiosidade de garotos e incessante busca por aventuras, envolvidos na trama, se vêem obrigados a fazer o melhor possível para escapar do mal que espreita entre as tendas do parque.

Algo Sinistro Vem por Aí (título emprestado de uma passagem de Macbeth, de Shakespeare), se iguala em importância a outros aclamados romances de Bradbury , Crônicas Marcianas (The Martian Chronicles) e Fahrenheit 451.

Fonte: http://pt.shvoong.com/books/1955591-algo-sinistro-vem-por-a%C3%AD/
Olá pessoal, acabei de ler "Algo Sinistro Vem Por Ai" de Bradbury e achei incrivelmente assustador, a idéia de mecher com nosso medo infantil é incrivelmente bem estruturado, a narrativa é cativante e a tradução que li tem pouquissimos erros, tornando a leitura algo muito prazeroso, tão prazeroso que resolvi montar um pequeno artigo da relação entre esse livro e "A Coisa" de Stephen King, Postarei o artigo assim que terminá-lo, por enquanto deixo a Biografia completa e o resumo da obra para vocês.

P.S. Leitura recomendada.

Ray Douglas Bradbury, escritor, ensaista, poeta e roteirista, nasceu em Waukegan cidadezinha de Illinois em 22 de agosto de 1920, foi o terceiro filho de Leonard e Esther Bradbury, por causa do trabalho de seu pai (Técnico em instalação de linhas telefônicas), viajou por muitas cidades dos EUA, até que em 1934 sua família fixou residência em Los Angeles, Califórnia.

1938 - Bradbury se gradua na Los Angeles High School (Segundo grau). Sua educação formal termina neste ano, mas ele continua a estudar por conta própria.
1938 - 1942 - Trabalha como jornaleiro nas ruas de Los Angeles.
1938 - 1939 - Publica em um fanzine de Ficção Científica o conto "Hollerbochen's Dilemma".
1941 - Sua primeira publicação paga foi o conto "Pendulum", que apareceu na revista Super Science Stories. Este Pulp (conto de preço acessível) foi escrito em parceria com Henry Hasse.
1942 - Ele escreve "The Lake", foi com essa obra que ele descobriu o seu estilo de escrever, mesclando ficção científica com tons de terror e suspense.
1943 - Ele começa a trabalhar em um jornal e contribui com vários contos neste.
1945 - Seu conto "The Big Black and White Game", é selecionado como melhor conto de de ficção da America, naquele ano.
1947 - Bradbury casa-se com Marguerite McClure, neste mesmo ano publica "Dark Carnival", que agrega uma série de contos de terror.
1950 - Publica Crônicas Marcianas "The Martian Chronicles", com esta obra que engloba 26 contos , ele ganha sua reputação de escritor de ficção científica. Este livro também é públicado na Inglaterra com o título "Silver Locusts" O gafanhoto de Prata. (Adiante comentaremos esta obra).
1951- Publica The Illustrated Man , lançado no Brasil como: "Uma sombra passou por aqui" , que se tornou filme também (Adiante comentaremos esta obra)
1953 - Publica Fahrenheit 451 , obra que se transformou posteriormente em filme em 1966 pelas mãos do cineastra francês François Truffaut.(Adiante comentaremos este livro).
1954 - Trabalha com roteiros de filmes para o cinema e poesias, em 1954 ganha o prêmio The Benjamin Franklin, por seus contos.
1956 - Ganha um Oscar com o roteiro de Mobi Dick que estréiou com Gregory Peck e que foi dirigido por John Huston.
1967 - Ganha um prêmio da Academia de Escritores de Aviação Espacial, com um artigo que foi publicado na Revista Americana de Aeronaútica sobre o espaço. Também neste mesmo ano recebe o reconhecimento de outros escritores e é considerado um mestre entre os escritores de F.C. da América. Também cria uma animação sobre uma estória de um aviador, Icarus Montgolfier Wright, esta animação concorre a um oscar, e seu filme The Hallowen Tree, ganha um Emmy. Como podemos constatar Bradbury é bem eclético.
Durante a década de 80 é contratado como consultor e criador para o cenário do Epcot Center na Disney World e também contribui para a concepção da aventura que engloba um cenário espacial na Euro Disney na França.
1988 - Publica "The Toynbee Convector" , esta foi sua última obra marcante. Atualmente Ray Bradbury ainda escreve para o cinema, e televisão.

Fonte: http://www.din.uem.br/~ia/a_correl/classicos/Pesquisadores-Bradbury.htm

Algo Sinistro Vem Por Aí (Something Wicked This Way Comes)

Parque de diversões, lugar de alegria, infantil, aparentemente inocente, divertido como o nome indica? Não em se tratando de uma história de Ray Bradbury, em suas mãos o parque de diversões ganha um potencial de fantasia e  terror incrível.

Agora imagine um praque de diversões intinerante que chega de trem a uma cidade do interior, escolhe pessoas cheias de vaidade, insatisfeitas com suas vidas ou com se mesmas, pois quem está totalmente satisfeito com se mesmo? E o parque se utiliza disso e faz as pessoas passarem por transformações estranhas e bizarras, fazendo crianças avançarem no tempo e velhos voltarem a seus dias de juventude, além de um labirinto de espelhos que te confronta com seus piores medos, mas o pior é que eles nem imaginam o terrível preço a pagar por tudo isso. E contra o misterioso parque, estão Jim e Will, os protagonistas da história, movidos pela curiosidade de garotos e incessante busca por aventuras, envolvidos na trama, se vêem obrigados a fazer o melhor possível para escapar do mal que espreita entre as tendas do parque.

Algo Sinistro Vem por Aí (título emprestado de uma passagem de Macbeth, de Shakespeare), se iguala em importância a outros aclamados romances de Bradbury , Crônicas Marcianas (The Martian Chronicles) e Fahrenheit 451.

Fonte: http://pt.shvoong.com/books/1955591-algo-sinistro-vem-por-a%C3%AD/

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

Fala pessoal, como primeiro post do blog estou postando um ensaio que fiz sobre "The Picture of Dorian Gray" sobre as consequências do narcisismo exacerbado dentro da obra, e como isso foi posto na sociedade da época. Bom, espero que gostem.

The consequences of the exacerbated narcissism of Dorian Gray.

SILVA, Rhuan Felipe Scomaçao da

Resume: The following essay was written to make a view about the actions of the protagonist, Dorian Gray, on his environment, the society where he was living. The principal reason that I choose this theme to talk about, is the great view, which Oscar Wild puts on this novel, the great criticism involved. This essay will make a comparison and an analysis of the reaction of the society done before the actions of Dorian, and will try to show how great is the criticism on this novel, how it influenced the community. This accusations that Oscar Wild suffers are very showed on this novel, and the essay which I am going to introduce you, tries to exemplify moments on the book where reveals this situations. 

Key-words: Dorian Gray, Oscar Wild, British literature, Victorian Age.

" About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.
Quotation of
Ernest Hemingway


The picture of Dorian gray, one of the great novels of an  author called Oscar Wild, was published at first on the magazine Lippincott's Monthly Magazine on June 20Th,1890, on this first published the novel was very criticized by the society of the age, after some time Oscar Wild reviewed, modified and expanded the original paper.
The history talks about a young beautiful guy, who is influenced by the ideas of a man called Lord Henry, The great power of manipulation of Lord Henry induces Dorian to do every possible kind of experience and pleasure, they are harmful or not for the boy, which he couldn’t done on the past.
The novel shows to the reader all the consequences and all the possible things that a contorted mind, better is to say manipulated, can do if he gets a power to be immortal, the novel also reveal to us, if the free will really exists, or the consequences of our acts made us to follow the only road of the life.
This essay isn’t here to represent this free will view, but is trying to represent how these actions are assimilated by the society, and how this will provide to the protagonist a feeling of disgusting lost.
Historical Context: Victorian Age

            The Victorian age was a period very prosperous for the United Kingdom,reined by the queen Victoria during 1837 until 1901, the period was known as  “Pax Britannica” because of the seas which surround the country, the nations could live an age very profitable, not just about war, but economical, industrial and colonial too.
            The rate of immigrants was increased very powerful during this time, from  16.8 million of people to 30.5 million on the death of the queen, the most part coming from Ireland. 
            The novel, just after been published, received hard critics about some parts of the book which, they say, there is hinting of homosexuals content and narcissism, juts after Oscar Wild published the following editions he says that the novel must be seen as art in itself and not with consideration out of the novel, as morals.
            It is also possible to say that, the Victorian Age was a very profitable field for the authors, the man was been seen as instruments for the machines, with the advent of the industrialism, and there was a feeling of inability the part of men, so, the art was view different, the people without time to make themselves happy, and without funny time to rest and play, are madding the themselves miserable and this helped the criticism of the age.

Society against Dorian? Or a disturbed view of a naïve guy.

Oscar wild on his great novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” induce us in the life of a young man called Dorian Gray and the society where he acts in the plot.
Dorian Gray is wonderful Handsome guy who is back to the house where he lived when was younger, the same house where his uncle slaps him in the past. Early in the beginning Dorian is been painted by an artist called Basil Hallward, a great man who helps Dorian a lot of times in the novel even in the moments when the boy treats him disdain. Basil have a friend called Lord Henry Wotton, an aristocratic of that city that will take Dorian for the pleasures of a life watered by great eloquences, experiences and disgusting things that leaves Dorian where he will find in the end of the book.
As any man who gets a great heritage, Dorian becomes willing for the perspective of being what he really wants. He truly likes his beauty, on his conception the nature of the human is contrasted with his appearance. When the artist finished his paint, Dorian sees the wonderful picture and became sad, he saw and say that the youth will pass with the time, but that picture will remain in that for the eternity, nothing could change that and on his disturbed vision of the life says that if could be possible he was going to swat his own immortal soul to stay young forever, here is the excerpt:

"How sad it is!" murmured Dorian Gray with his eyes still fixed upon his own portrait. "How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June. . . . If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that--for that--I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!"
This was the first moment that Oscar Wild shows to us the egocentrism of Dorian Gray, just think about this suppose to be a unbelievable sin for the eyes of that age, but we know that this will really happens, and is this that will provide to us show the consequences of this eloquence for himself.
From this first moment the situation that Dorian will provide will be always worst and worst, and the limit will be his own death just to don’t show In what he really became from inside.
Lord Henry must be notice at the greatest motivator of actions of Dorian during the novel, he was the one who takes the boy for the “news”, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, life in the extreme was just ones of the things that Henry show to him, better yet, conduce him to do.
Every moment what we see is a young boy being controlled by an experienced man, who is having fun with the situation, it’s the life which he would like, and now he is destroying the life of a boy that is just the begging of his journey on the life. The hedonism on the life of Dorian Gray is each time more howling, all the rules of the society is been broken for his own wish, for he doesn’t matter what the society is saying about him, what really matter is the pleasure of the experience could give to him.    
But all this excesses wasn’t seen by a very good way by the society and this replays on Dorian, let’s see one circumstance that provides us this:

“And yet I see you very seldom, and you never come down to the studio now, and when I am away from you, and I hear all these hideous things that people are whispering about you, I don't know what to say. Why is it, Dorian, that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? Why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house or invite you to theirs?”         

This was a stretch where Basil is talking with Dorian about everything that is happening to him, and how it is reflected on him, Basil is trying to open the eyes of Dorian, to Dorian could, at least, came back for what he was when come to London, but the narcissism is more powerful than what Dorian can stant.
It is notorious the apparition of the woman whose Dorian will fall in love, an actress who makes the heart of Dorian beat faster, in this moment is possible to see the narcissism in reverse, Dorian forget himself to talk just about this amazing woman who he fall in love. At first is possible to see that Dorian reproduce his view of beauty on the woman, and this is remarkable if we make a comparison between he when come London, a shame guy, and a man with great experiences and apologies after the death of this woman.
It is possible to this woman as the passage of Dorian from a shame guy to this man who he will became. From the beginning we see a love young man who became perplex with the beauty of that woman, and this is bad for the expectative of Lord Henry, maybe, if Dorian could became with the girl, he shouldn’t acquire this view of himself as a god view of beauty, it is pertinent to say that this love is happening after he made the deal which change his soul for the eternity youth, however, this love could help him to stop the live that he will get.
An interesting stretch where we can see all this veneration for the girl, is when Dorian is talking with his friends and describes her, here is the stretch:

I love her, and I must make her love me. You, who know all the secrets of life, tell me how to charm Sibyl Vane to love me! I want to make Romeo jealous. I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter and grow sad. I want a breath of our passion to stir their dust into consciousness, to wake their ashes into pain. My God, Harry, how I worship her!"                                                     

The amazing is that, even when isn’t with him, Dorian practices the act of make the beauty, a term more important than the own life, he invokes deities, heroes and even the death to say how he love her beauty, and even this kind of narcissism is seeing with bad eyes from the society, the aristocratic don’t see her as one with them, to them she is just a poor actress, without enough talent to entertain them, and this is reflect on the attitudes of them to Dorian, they didn’t really likes his marriage with the girl, to than this is just a joke that Dorian is making on us. The influence on the view and life of Dorian by Lord Henry is very profitable in this moment, he provides to Dorian eccentric corporal experiences that makes Dorian overcoming his conscious and prove the taste of this experiences.
After some events, that provide a struggle between he and Sibyl Vane, the separate for a while and some days before Dorian receive the notice that she killed herself. This situation explodes on the fallen of Dorian for the cult of the beauty, and even more the society reprove his actions, that are so extremes that even Lord Henry couldn’t do better.
The view of the decadent picture makes Dorian suffer a lot, that image of himself deteriorating makes his own cult fells enraged, he hides the picture to nobody and not even he sees that macabre thing, his feeling about the sins that he is omitting are destroying him from inside, he is noticing that his friends isn’t inviting him anymore, and some people don’t like even his presence on the enclosure.
Seen that the situation isn’t good as he wants, seen that even his amazing beauty is doing the contrary that he wants, fells the most perfect human, or can I say god, of beauty on the world, his presence is scary the people, is making some people get away from him, he decides to make a no time back travel, where he could think on every possible situation that he ever lived, and trying, maybe, to be appreciated again.
After his long travel, Dorian backs to London and for the surprise of everybody, his face and body was the same as when they know him years ago, the people sees him as some kind of immortal beauty monster, and the feature of the public was very different as he wants, they were really scare and didn’t believe in that, again Lord Henry helps him, as a friend that had his friend back.
Important for mention, was a trick situation that he crawled when was walking on the street, the brother of Sibyl meets him, and his face was angry and sad at the same time, he says that Dorian killed his sister, and now Dorian should pay for that, here a stretch that represent this:

You wrecked the life of Sibyl Vane," was the answer, "and Sibyl Vane  was my sister. She killed herself. I know it. Her death is at your door. I swore I would kill you in return. For years I have sought you. I had no clue, no trace. The two people who could have described you were dead. I knew nothing of you but the pet name she used to call you. I heard it to-night by chance. Make your peace with God, for to-night you are going to die."

For the lucky of Dorian had passed some year, and he used this argument to prove that the man couldn’t be him there, he used his own image out of reality to safe himself of that dead situation. But what is important for this analysis is the deadly situation that his own beauty provides to himself, the crazy man who confuse him with the man who proportionally made his sister kill herself was really the man, we can consider that, even in extreme situations Dorian uses his appearance to commit sins, the idea of regret, which I will talk soon, is invalid to him, just after the man realize that he was really the same Dorian and goes to kill him again, but now with sure.
Dorian backs from the travel with idea to regret, and be a new man, he wants to forget all his sins and transform in a man respect by the society, but what he can’t do is accept his sins and pay for than, he killed a man and this will provide a prison for all his life, or worst, or better depending on the point of view, the death.
And knowing that he won’t have courage to take on his sins to the society and pay the price for his crimes, he begins to become paranoid, his narcissism doesn’t matter anymore and everything is going down.
In his finals moments he wishes that everything could be different, it should be better if all his sins decayed on his on the immediate moment that he cone that sin, he thinks this, and the society, even not talking, think the same way, Dorian Doesn’t want his beauty anymore, the only thing that she wants is do the right thing, the society right way to live, even with all the falsehoods and lies, but suffer as any man.

Ah! in what a monstrous moment of pride and passion he had prayed that the portrait should bear the burden of his days, and he keep the unsullied splendour of eternal youth! All his failure had been due to that. Better for him that each sin of his life had brought its sure swift penalty along with it. There was purification in punishment. Not "Forgive us our sins" but "Smite us for our iniquities" should be the prayer of man to a most just God”

Over all this events Dorian arises for his own conscious, the world doesn’t matter anymore, all his dreams are destroyed and the situation that he put himself doesn’t have back, in a final moment o ecstasy, Dorian destroy the thing which he thinks that destroyed his life, with the same knife that he killed Basil, Dorian trespasses the picture putting an end on his egocentric life.
For the society what rest was a remember of a young man who tries to be more beauty than the gods, and suffer the punishment that he deserves.

Final Considerations.

            One of the masterpieces of Oscar Wild is studied a long time, for a lot of people, and a question that all of us always do to ourselves is, how great was the mind of this author when he done this novel. The fight that he provokes with the society and the criticism of the age was so great, that we need to consider him one of the great authors have ever exists. The Essay that I presented here is just a bit view about the criticism and the naivety of the critics, they couldn’t see how great, and how big was the influence that this novel caused over the years, and until now, June 2010, it is studied hard for us, and that ones who appreciate a great masterpiece.

Bibliographical References.

-          The Victorian age, available in http://www.victorianweb.org/, accessed in June 22, 2010.
-          Notes on the Picture of Dorian gray, available in www.turksheadreview.com/library/notes-doriangray.html, accessed in June 22, 2010.
-          Oscar Wild official site, available in http://www.cmgww.com/historic/wilde/, accessed in June 25, 2010
-          O retrato de Dorian Gray, o famoso livro de Oscar Wild, available in http://www.sitedeliteratura.com/Litestrang/gray.htm, accessed in June 25, 2010.
-          Ernest Hemingway quote, available in http://www.icelebz.com/quotes/ernest_hemingway/, accessed in June 25, 2010.
Fala pessoal, como primeiro post do blog estou postando um ensaio que fiz sobre "The Picture of Dorian Gray" sobre as consequências do narcisismo exacerbado dentro da obra, e como isso foi posto na sociedade da época. Bom, espero que gostem.

The consequences of the exacerbated narcissism of Dorian Gray.

SILVA, Rhuan Felipe Scomaçao da

Resume: The following essay was written to make a view about the actions of the protagonist, Dorian Gray, on his environment, the society where he was living. The principal reason that I choose this theme to talk about, is the great view, which Oscar Wild puts on this novel, the great criticism involved. This essay will make a comparison and an analysis of the reaction of the society done before the actions of Dorian, and will try to show how great is the criticism on this novel, how it influenced the community. This accusations that Oscar Wild suffers are very showed on this novel, and the essay which I am going to introduce you, tries to exemplify moments on the book where reveals this situations. 

Key-words: Dorian Gray, Oscar Wild, British literature, Victorian Age.

" About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.
Quotation of
Ernest Hemingway


The picture of Dorian gray, one of the great novels of an  author called Oscar Wild, was published at first on the magazine Lippincott's Monthly Magazine on June 20Th,1890, on this first published the novel was very criticized by the society of the age, after some time Oscar Wild reviewed, modified and expanded the original paper.
The history talks about a young beautiful guy, who is influenced by the ideas of a man called Lord Henry, The great power of manipulation of Lord Henry induces Dorian to do every possible kind of experience and pleasure, they are harmful or not for the boy, which he couldn’t done on the past.
The novel shows to the reader all the consequences and all the possible things that a contorted mind, better is to say manipulated, can do if he gets a power to be immortal, the novel also reveal to us, if the free will really exists, or the consequences of our acts made us to follow the only road of the life.
This essay isn’t here to represent this free will view, but is trying to represent how these actions are assimilated by the society, and how this will provide to the protagonist a feeling of disgusting lost.
Historical Context: Victorian Age

            The Victorian age was a period very prosperous for the United Kingdom,reined by the queen Victoria during 1837 until 1901, the period was known as  “Pax Britannica” because of the seas which surround the country, the nations could live an age very profitable, not just about war, but economical, industrial and colonial too.
            The rate of immigrants was increased very powerful during this time, from  16.8 million of people to 30.5 million on the death of the queen, the most part coming from Ireland. 
            The novel, just after been published, received hard critics about some parts of the book which, they say, there is hinting of homosexuals content and narcissism, juts after Oscar Wild published the following editions he says that the novel must be seen as art in itself and not with consideration out of the novel, as morals.
            It is also possible to say that, the Victorian Age was a very profitable field for the authors, the man was been seen as instruments for the machines, with the advent of the industrialism, and there was a feeling of inability the part of men, so, the art was view different, the people without time to make themselves happy, and without funny time to rest and play, are madding the themselves miserable and this helped the criticism of the age.

Society against Dorian? Or a disturbed view of a naïve guy.

Oscar wild on his great novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” induce us in the life of a young man called Dorian Gray and the society where he acts in the plot.
Dorian Gray is wonderful Handsome guy who is back to the house where he lived when was younger, the same house where his uncle slaps him in the past. Early in the beginning Dorian is been painted by an artist called Basil Hallward, a great man who helps Dorian a lot of times in the novel even in the moments when the boy treats him disdain. Basil have a friend called Lord Henry Wotton, an aristocratic of that city that will take Dorian for the pleasures of a life watered by great eloquences, experiences and disgusting things that leaves Dorian where he will find in the end of the book.
As any man who gets a great heritage, Dorian becomes willing for the perspective of being what he really wants. He truly likes his beauty, on his conception the nature of the human is contrasted with his appearance. When the artist finished his paint, Dorian sees the wonderful picture and became sad, he saw and say that the youth will pass with the time, but that picture will remain in that for the eternity, nothing could change that and on his disturbed vision of the life says that if could be possible he was going to swat his own immortal soul to stay young forever, here is the excerpt:

"How sad it is!" murmured Dorian Gray with his eyes still fixed upon his own portrait. "How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June. . . . If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that--for that--I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!"
This was the first moment that Oscar Wild shows to us the egocentrism of Dorian Gray, just think about this suppose to be a unbelievable sin for the eyes of that age, but we know that this will really happens, and is this that will provide to us show the consequences of this eloquence for himself.
From this first moment the situation that Dorian will provide will be always worst and worst, and the limit will be his own death just to don’t show In what he really became from inside.
Lord Henry must be notice at the greatest motivator of actions of Dorian during the novel, he was the one who takes the boy for the “news”, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, life in the extreme was just ones of the things that Henry show to him, better yet, conduce him to do.
Every moment what we see is a young boy being controlled by an experienced man, who is having fun with the situation, it’s the life which he would like, and now he is destroying the life of a boy that is just the begging of his journey on the life. The hedonism on the life of Dorian Gray is each time more howling, all the rules of the society is been broken for his own wish, for he doesn’t matter what the society is saying about him, what really matter is the pleasure of the experience could give to him.    
But all this excesses wasn’t seen by a very good way by the society and this replays on Dorian, let’s see one circumstance that provides us this:

“And yet I see you very seldom, and you never come down to the studio now, and when I am away from you, and I hear all these hideous things that people are whispering about you, I don't know what to say. Why is it, Dorian, that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? Why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house or invite you to theirs?”         

This was a stretch where Basil is talking with Dorian about everything that is happening to him, and how it is reflected on him, Basil is trying to open the eyes of Dorian, to Dorian could, at least, came back for what he was when come to London, but the narcissism is more powerful than what Dorian can stant.
It is notorious the apparition of the woman whose Dorian will fall in love, an actress who makes the heart of Dorian beat faster, in this moment is possible to see the narcissism in reverse, Dorian forget himself to talk just about this amazing woman who he fall in love. At first is possible to see that Dorian reproduce his view of beauty on the woman, and this is remarkable if we make a comparison between he when come London, a shame guy, and a man with great experiences and apologies after the death of this woman.
It is possible to this woman as the passage of Dorian from a shame guy to this man who he will became. From the beginning we see a love young man who became perplex with the beauty of that woman, and this is bad for the expectative of Lord Henry, maybe, if Dorian could became with the girl, he shouldn’t acquire this view of himself as a god view of beauty, it is pertinent to say that this love is happening after he made the deal which change his soul for the eternity youth, however, this love could help him to stop the live that he will get.
An interesting stretch where we can see all this veneration for the girl, is when Dorian is talking with his friends and describes her, here is the stretch:

I love her, and I must make her love me. You, who know all the secrets of life, tell me how to charm Sibyl Vane to love me! I want to make Romeo jealous. I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter and grow sad. I want a breath of our passion to stir their dust into consciousness, to wake their ashes into pain. My God, Harry, how I worship her!"                                                     

The amazing is that, even when isn’t with him, Dorian practices the act of make the beauty, a term more important than the own life, he invokes deities, heroes and even the death to say how he love her beauty, and even this kind of narcissism is seeing with bad eyes from the society, the aristocratic don’t see her as one with them, to them she is just a poor actress, without enough talent to entertain them, and this is reflect on the attitudes of them to Dorian, they didn’t really likes his marriage with the girl, to than this is just a joke that Dorian is making on us. The influence on the view and life of Dorian by Lord Henry is very profitable in this moment, he provides to Dorian eccentric corporal experiences that makes Dorian overcoming his conscious and prove the taste of this experiences.
After some events, that provide a struggle between he and Sibyl Vane, the separate for a while and some days before Dorian receive the notice that she killed herself. This situation explodes on the fallen of Dorian for the cult of the beauty, and even more the society reprove his actions, that are so extremes that even Lord Henry couldn’t do better.
The view of the decadent picture makes Dorian suffer a lot, that image of himself deteriorating makes his own cult fells enraged, he hides the picture to nobody and not even he sees that macabre thing, his feeling about the sins that he is omitting are destroying him from inside, he is noticing that his friends isn’t inviting him anymore, and some people don’t like even his presence on the enclosure.
Seen that the situation isn’t good as he wants, seen that even his amazing beauty is doing the contrary that he wants, fells the most perfect human, or can I say god, of beauty on the world, his presence is scary the people, is making some people get away from him, he decides to make a no time back travel, where he could think on every possible situation that he ever lived, and trying, maybe, to be appreciated again.
After his long travel, Dorian backs to London and for the surprise of everybody, his face and body was the same as when they know him years ago, the people sees him as some kind of immortal beauty monster, and the feature of the public was very different as he wants, they were really scare and didn’t believe in that, again Lord Henry helps him, as a friend that had his friend back.
Important for mention, was a trick situation that he crawled when was walking on the street, the brother of Sibyl meets him, and his face was angry and sad at the same time, he says that Dorian killed his sister, and now Dorian should pay for that, here a stretch that represent this:

You wrecked the life of Sibyl Vane," was the answer, "and Sibyl Vane  was my sister. She killed herself. I know it. Her death is at your door. I swore I would kill you in return. For years I have sought you. I had no clue, no trace. The two people who could have described you were dead. I knew nothing of you but the pet name she used to call you. I heard it to-night by chance. Make your peace with God, for to-night you are going to die."

For the lucky of Dorian had passed some year, and he used this argument to prove that the man couldn’t be him there, he used his own image out of reality to safe himself of that dead situation. But what is important for this analysis is the deadly situation that his own beauty provides to himself, the crazy man who confuse him with the man who proportionally made his sister kill herself was really the man, we can consider that, even in extreme situations Dorian uses his appearance to commit sins, the idea of regret, which I will talk soon, is invalid to him, just after the man realize that he was really the same Dorian and goes to kill him again, but now with sure.
Dorian backs from the travel with idea to regret, and be a new man, he wants to forget all his sins and transform in a man respect by the society, but what he can’t do is accept his sins and pay for than, he killed a man and this will provide a prison for all his life, or worst, or better depending on the point of view, the death.
And knowing that he won’t have courage to take on his sins to the society and pay the price for his crimes, he begins to become paranoid, his narcissism doesn’t matter anymore and everything is going down.
In his finals moments he wishes that everything could be different, it should be better if all his sins decayed on his on the immediate moment that he cone that sin, he thinks this, and the society, even not talking, think the same way, Dorian Doesn’t want his beauty anymore, the only thing that she wants is do the right thing, the society right way to live, even with all the falsehoods and lies, but suffer as any man.

Ah! in what a monstrous moment of pride and passion he had prayed that the portrait should bear the burden of his days, and he keep the unsullied splendour of eternal youth! All his failure had been due to that. Better for him that each sin of his life had brought its sure swift penalty along with it. There was purification in punishment. Not "Forgive us our sins" but "Smite us for our iniquities" should be the prayer of man to a most just God”

Over all this events Dorian arises for his own conscious, the world doesn’t matter anymore, all his dreams are destroyed and the situation that he put himself doesn’t have back, in a final moment o ecstasy, Dorian destroy the thing which he thinks that destroyed his life, with the same knife that he killed Basil, Dorian trespasses the picture putting an end on his egocentric life.
For the society what rest was a remember of a young man who tries to be more beauty than the gods, and suffer the punishment that he deserves.

Final Considerations.

            One of the masterpieces of Oscar Wild is studied a long time, for a lot of people, and a question that all of us always do to ourselves is, how great was the mind of this author when he done this novel. The fight that he provokes with the society and the criticism of the age was so great, that we need to consider him one of the great authors have ever exists. The Essay that I presented here is just a bit view about the criticism and the naivety of the critics, they couldn’t see how great, and how big was the influence that this novel caused over the years, and until now, June 2010, it is studied hard for us, and that ones who appreciate a great masterpiece.

Bibliographical References.

-          The Victorian age, available in http://www.victorianweb.org/, accessed in June 22, 2010.
-          Notes on the Picture of Dorian gray, available in www.turksheadreview.com/library/notes-doriangray.html, accessed in June 22, 2010.
-          Oscar Wild official site, available in http://www.cmgww.com/historic/wilde/, accessed in June 25, 2010
-          O retrato de Dorian Gray, o famoso livro de Oscar Wild, available in http://www.sitedeliteratura.com/Litestrang/gray.htm, accessed in June 25, 2010.
-          Ernest Hemingway quote, available in http://www.icelebz.com/quotes/ernest_hemingway/, accessed in June 25, 2010.


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